Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What comes up... Must come down!

    My post is on the water cycle. For now I will give you a basic idea. So the first part is when the sun HEATS UP, AND HEATS UP, AND HEATS UP the Earth's  surface. Then the water heats up and evaporates (this part is called evaporation) into water vapor, stream may be an easier way to put it. The water vapor rises up to where the air is COLD and the water vapor turns into water again (this is called condensation).The water that condensates turns into a cloud. Inside the cloud the water droplets combine and get bigger and heavier, and bigger, and heavier, until... The water falls from the cloud as rain, snow, sleet, or hail (this is precipitation). Then the cycle starts back over.

   Now what does this have to do with meteorology? I will tell you. Meteorology means up in the atmosphere. The atmosphere is the air from a mile to about 140 miles above our heads. Almost all of the water cycle happens in the atmosphere. Also, weather is things like tornadoes, snowstorms, thunderstorms, and other events such as sleet (half rain half hail).

Here you can look at this awesome website I think you will like
Check out this website when you are ready for a test


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